

First, i would like to thank each of you again for the prayers, support,
gifts etc. that you have sent me and Dawana. I deeply appreciate everything
which has been done or said for my Lady and I.  Thanks to a rather large
monthly deduction in my paycheck for the past 15 yrs, my medical retirement
is higher than i had expected, and is sufficient for us to live on. While
our medical bills are horrendous, the insurance I have will pick up most of
them. My total cost will only be around $12,000 plus of course the living
expenses of staying 100 miles from home.
There have been a couple of private posts which were accidently forwarded to
the list, so I'm sure most of you are aware of a family squabble which is
currently adding loads of joy to my life. As someone wrote me recently,
"this too shall pass".
The point of all this rambling is that while I do appreciate everything that
has been done for us, I do not wish anyone to suffer or do with out in order
to try to help us, especially financially. I have been blessed with some
wonderful friends, and should the need get bad enough, they will cosign some
notes, and i will just owe the bank again - a situation I am most familiar
Dawana had a 2 hour surgical proceedure planned yesterday, that went on
nearly 5 hours. The closed the good leg completely, and completely covered
the bad leg with skin grafts. In 72 hours, we will see how that is doing.
The trauma dr. said providing the grafts take, and that they didn't
introduce an infection into her system, he is very hopeful that they will
finally have control on the wound, and she can began the healing process.
She had a very bad night last night, and was in extreme discomfort (that is
dr. talk for hurting  like hell), but was medicated and resting peacefully
when I told her good morning a few minutes ago.
Thank each and every one of you for your support, prayers or best wishes
bob aka tex

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