

to all -
just over 2 weeks ago my father (from Tyler, TX) went to visit his 88 yr old
mother in San Antonio, TX (daddy is a 70 yrold, 16+ yr PwP).
daddy got there saturday evening and at 5:30 the next morning, my grandmother
suffered congestive heart failure (after having had a heart attack 2 days
prior - apparently).
the story all ends well - as she is back home and cringing at the thought of
a low to no sodium diet and not being able to do her own yard work(!), daddy
is back with mom in tyler and i'm back with my husband in los angeles!
upon notification of my grandmother's heart condition and the fact that daddy
cannot be alone, no longer drives - i.e., blind leading the blind - my
brother & i both went out for several days - daddy is an only child).  what
was to be a one week visit turned into a 2 week visit for me -
upon returning to the list after failing to UNSUBSCRIBE in time b4 i left - i
have just spent my morning going through 865 messages!  i cannot bear to just
delete and start fresh as, proven once again today, there is just too much
information contained in these massive missives - is that a correct use of
the word!?!

i brought daddy to UnivOfSoCal for clinical trial studies last year on
freezing and the HurryCane was one of the tools used to "trick" the brain to
get moving - VERY EFFECTIVE -
["HurryCane" - the cane with a flexible wand at the bottom
(818) 789-9612      email address:  [log in to unmask])]

PROTEIN - i'm ashamed to say that i don't think my dad or mom pay much
attention to this - however, if it REALLY does make a difference (and i'm
sending copies of all these postings to him today) perhaps they'll think
about it more. . . at least i hope so -
[First, let me state that since we cut the protein in her diet back to the 7
to 1 ratio (carbohydrates to protein) her freezing has been reduced

MUSIC/ BEATS/ SWAYING - i can just see my dad, a former methodist minister
AND navy chaplain with a booming voice,  trying to belt out the Battle Hymn
of the Republic or, for a rest, Amazing Grace!  must admit - we haven't tried
the singing!
The metronome he DOES have, and it DOES work - again, work with it when you
DON'T need it - and above all, KEEP YOUR TOOLS HANDY - they do you no good if
you can't access them.

TAPPING ON FOOT - haven't tried it, but it totally makes sense!  if only
their cat, Tina, would allow a dog. . . !
[. . . she touches the toes of the foot which she wants to move.  Somehow, it
sends the needed signals to the brain . . .]

[. . .stand in front of her, hold her hands and sway back and forth just
slightly.  As she begins to sway with me, she can sometimes begin to step
forward and I walk backwards until she gets moving along at a secure pace]

[. . .getting her to stand fully erect(adjust to this position b4 trying to
walk. . .
. . . raise the foot straight up about 4-6 inches and then move it forward}

all of the above are also very effective and my dad has used them all - you
just never know which one will be "the one" until you try them - patiently!

for those times when the PwP's brain just isn't go to help you out (!) i
ESPECIALLY use what one of the messages referred to as the "walking
refrigerator walk" or "sway" like above, but rather than standing in front of
daddy - i don't want to fall down myself or trip backwards over something! -
i stand behind and GENTLY place both hands on the side of either shoulder and
gently push him from side to side to get the "swaying" motion going - you can
then literally walk the person to whatever location you need to get to - even
if they can't assist you -

NOTE:  as i often must remind daddy - the user can't just stand there and
think any of these tricks will work - you must practice alone and with your
CG often enough when you're "ON" that it then becomes second nature when
you're "OFF" - and that's the hard part!

daughter of joAnn (CG) and dempsey (70yr old, 16+) - Tyler, TX
me - 44, married in Los Angeles, CA w/ kind husband - brad!