

Accessible doorways etc preferably should be 36 inches wide.......there is a
special hinge that  you can get for doors that will allow the door to swing
out of the way on the hinge that may help if you have a 32 inch wide
doorframe that cannot be wider.

Turning access for a wheelchair is 60 inches.....preferred.   Some of the
"modern" chairs have a smaller turning radius......needed usually in kitchen,
bathroom and or hallway/dressing areas.

Alert to those remodeling that a "high rise" toilet.....usually described as
handicapped usage.......may be to tall for a petite individual (or even
someone who is just short!).

Grab bars may only be usable on one side of the toilet or the other if there
is atrophy or paralysis or rigidity on one side for the patient. (this is
sometimes a problem if there is not a wall/space on both sides of the
toilet.).   DO NOT just screw grab bars into the wall without reinforcing the
wall (or knowing that this was done during construction).......a molley bolt
in dry wall is not sufficient strength for a grab bar support.

Rita 55/10