

In re:Mirapex side effects in my own history with PD meds,  I took
Mirapex(1mg 3xs daily) w/segeline for about 6-7 months.  I had some
drowsiness to the point I was afraid to drive alone at highway speeds and
some dizziness that my mds said could be either the agonist, the mao
inhibitor(segeline) or pd itself.  I wanted to go back on SinemetCR but lst
tried PERMAX with the unfortunate side effect of extreme stomach acidity.
Finally, I called and talked w/the nurse at my mds office and told her my
pd symptoms were worse, my stomach was upset w/heartburn after all kinds of
food and could I PLEASE reintroduce SINEMETCR until my upcoming office
visit in 2 weeks.

My mds was paged, answered the page and said to slowly reintroduce
SINEMETCR and decrease PERMAX.  Have since stopped PERMAX and taking only
SINEMETCR am feeling MUCH BETTER and pd symptoms of slowness, rigidity and
unbalance are now controlled in a way that allows me to enjoy work, family
life, and I'm enjoying the "honeymoon" that levodopa/cardopa provides.

 I'd hoped that agonist only would be effective for my pd symptoms, but the
side effects were worse than the symptom relief.  You may find that Mirapex
works; it does for some pwp.  I'd suggest being careful with any med change
to S L O W L Y titrate up and realize that a theraputic dose of test trials
may not be the doze that is effective for you.  I often use LESS than
recommended dose of over the counter drugs and have found through
trial/error that pd doses for me are sometimes less than recommended by
drug trials of drug manufacturers.

Hope you figure out what is best.  Patience and keeping a daily diary of
when & amt of meds taken, foods eaten, stress of the day and how your
body/mind feel when taking the new drugs can help you tell your dr/nurse
how the drug makes you feel.  It is often a good indication of what is
causing a particular problem.

Jeanette Fuhr 49/47/44?

From: Tina <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Mirapex side effects
Date: Monday, November 08, 1999 8:21 PM

I am looking for any info on Mirapex side effects....The only side
effect I can find is about falling asleep.  I am having bad joint pain
in my knees.  Just started saturday, and I started my full dose of
Mirapex friday (1.5mg)day.  I am also on Amantadine (generic for
Symmetrel).  Still having tremors and balance problems, so far Mirapex
really hasnt helped me.  I already have a call into my doctor, waiting
for return call.  Just trying to get more info before I see the doctor.
He will not put me on sinemet because he says I am too young.  He said
the longer you take it, the worse side effects you get down the road.
He said he only gives it to his older patients.  My symptoms are tremor
in right hand, and head...balance problems, fallen 5 times in past 2
weeks, joint pain in knees, right leg dragging and freezing (which has
caused most of falls), depression, fatigue, and trouble walking any
distance.  I am only 31 yrs old.  Any info would be greatly
appreciated.  My doctor is really good, he and his team of doctors are
third in the nation in pallidomy surgeries.  I really am just looking
for ideas or thoughts to bring up to my doctor when I go see him.
Thanks, and sorry for being so winded.

Tina-----Fairfield, Ohio