

About your ?? re:learning without being scared to death, let me lst say,
congrats for not sticking your head in the sand.  It's only by knowing what
may happen in the future that we can prepare for what we may experience.
The KEY word here is MAY.  Parkinson's is a designer disease and each
pwp(person with Parkinson's) will have unique symptoms and disease

What the list members can provide, is personal stories of their individual
experiences that may help you with what happens to you.  It's like any new
experience; until you learn to swim, water over your head is frightening.
Once you can swim, the deep water is easier to navigate.  Soon, you will be
helping others to navigate the murky waters of Parkinson's, too.  Each pwp
teaches another pwp and the momentum keeps us hopeful while research looks
for the cause/cure we all desire.  Yes SIR, that's how this baby works!

Jeanette Fuhr 49/47/44?

From: SIR JAMES1st <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: re mirapex
Date: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 7:37 AM

And I thought I was just me. I'm new to this group , but in two days have
learned a lot. I'm on Requip and I'm having the same nap attacks as
on Mirapex. Would like to hear from others on Requip. Again being that I'm
new, I don't suppose I'm the only one who is getting scared to death
about others with more severe symptoms than mine, or am I the only big baby
out here???? How do learn and not get scared at the same time.

Sir James