

Hi Guys,

Well this is it, my first visit back to the neuro since diagnosis in August.
I have been taking Mirapex and gradually adding more until now taking 3mg per
day.  So far I haven't seen any results, just minor side effects.  On Tuesday
I will see the neuro and I know already he will suggest taking off the
Mirapex.  I hate to give up so soon after just getting to a dose that may
help.  My symptoms are rigid muscles, loss of use of left hand (when I try to
use it too much it shakes a lot) and dragging the left leg has just started.
Of course there are the usual fatigue, insomnia etc that almost everyone on
the list has mentioned.  What should I ask the neuro?  Any questions that I
should ask that I'm not aware of?  What do you think about adding something
to the Mirapex instead of just switching to something else, seems like
everyone on the list is taking multiple drugs?  I don't know how informed my
neuro is about PD how can I find out?  I have HMO insurance and don't know if
I can switch or just arm myself with information and keep him on his toes.
Any suggestions would be helpful to a newbie...
