

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses        46   deg. F   :-)

Good afternoon , listmembers,

  I just received a phone call which CHANGES the
previous instructions I had conveyed to PIEnet readers,
about the unacceptability of unsigned messages by
e-mail, in support of my 2 claims before the
Maine Human Rights Commission(MHRC).

  This follows my explaining to the MHRC
how much more difficult it is for some PWP's to hand-write
or to sign any documents, or to get to post offices.

The telephone call came from the
MHRC Executive Director, Patricia Ryan.

E-mail messages are now OK, with no
need for a signed hard-copy, or a separate signed letter!

I hope this relieves some frustration
that some of you were experiencing.

The e-mail address is: [log in to unmask]

About 15 e-mails and several letters have arrived
so far.  ALL will be included in the investigative file.

PLEASE plan to have e-mail messages to her
no later than Saturday, November 20th.


Ivan Suzman 49/39/36