

Marty, Margie, et al....

I had  a torn rotator cuff in my left (primary arm/hand) for
approx.. nearly six years.  I was treated by an arthropod who gave
me cortisone injections directly into the shoulder joint about
ever 4 months, which DID work for a month or so each time.

Unfortunately, after the effects of the cortisone wore off, I'd
have to suffer extreme pain and movement abnormalities until the
ortho deemed enough time to have passes between injections so that
I wouldn't end up with permanent damage from the cortisone itself.

FINALLY, when I simply couldn't stand the pain any long and the
right shoulder had also appeared to be torn too, I asked the ortho
to do a surgical fix on both shoulder so I'd at least know I'd
done all the was possible to correct the condition.

THEN, after letting me suffer with that AWFUL p;pain for over five
years the ortho casually said "Well let's not rush into surgery on
this when there's still some exercise you can try.

SHEEEEESH!  Like maybe the MD could've offered me the exercises
five years ago and I wouldn't of had to live in near constant

Anyway, I DID go to a physical therapist and DID learn the proper
exercises, and son-of-a-gun, within a coupla-three weeks the pain
was gone.   And, tho I still might get an occasional twinge of
pain (lasting mere seconds) in the left shoulder, basically, for
over a year I've been pain-free.  I might add that the exercises
were very simple and there was no additional pain in the shoulders
as I went thru the sets.

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: Dick Swindler <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, November 19, 1999 4:55 PM
Subject: Rotator cuff tear

>Marty -
>We haven't looked at our PD mail for awhile, so forgive me if
your question
>re: rotator cuff has been answered.  Dick had a rotator cuff tear
>years ago, and was told surgery was the only answer, but that
only promised
>about a 50% chance of cure.  He was also told the tear wouldn't
>The surgical options didn't sound good, so he had a cortisone
injection and
>tried to live with it.  Then it went away!  His PD specialist
later told him
>that many PWP experience rotator cuff tears, for whatever
reason - and
>without any accident or "event" to precipitate it.
>Having your new shoulder out of position would alter the
situation, but I
>wanted you to know that *sometimes* the tear does heal itself.
Dick is
>certainly glad he didn't have surgery for it!
>Margie Swindler  cg for Dick, 55/18
>> I am asking if anyone has had experience with or knows  about
> SUCCESSFUL non-surgcical, or alternative medical approaches for
a torn
> rotator cuff.  Thx.
> Marty Polonsky
>  >>