


This is a summary update on Barbara's medical trials.  She's home now
and recuperating fairly well.

Last Tuesday drove her to the hospital before 7:00AM for various tests.
She was first given an MRI  than an X-ray, and then she was admitted to
a semi private room in the neuro-surgical floor.  I met the nurse who
was to care for her and discussed in detail the drug menu that I had
printed and emphasized the importance of  adhering to it.  The nurse
maintained that if the medications were not in a labelled container she
could not  dispense it, but I still gave Sinemet and Permax to Barbara.
I went home for dinner and went back to the hospital shortly after
6:00PM,  but Barbara had been taken to the operating room. I was
directed to wait downstairs in the surgery waiting room and then in the
ward's waiting room. I was told then that  Barbara was in the recovery
room and needed the evening Parkinson medication, but there would  still
be a long wait and I should go home. I never got to talk to the

Barbara was given morphine post-op for the pain as was previously after
the colon operation  three years before.  But this time, she reacted
differently; she apparently past the moon in her escape from  reality.
It took many hours for the morphine to clear the system and she was then
given Percoset Wednesday  evening and at night. The following morning,
she had to be taken for a scan, but she had to be sedated because  of
severe dyskinesia and uncooperation, and she was given Haldol in a
combination with at least a  half a dozen other substances. And off, she
went again into another orbit.
Our neurologist claimed that Barbara  was reacting like a typical
Parkinsonians who undergo surgery.  She suggested that Barbara would be
far better in a home  environment with family attending.  The surgery
went very well and Barbara will be wearing a neck brace for  perhaps
three months. Friday morning she was discharged by the neuro-surgeon's
assistant.  She got  dressed and returned her home  where Leah attended
her most of the day.  Aaron, our son, came on Saturday and Sunday to
assist, and Eddy,  our son in law, also came on Sunday.  She is almost
back to normal with her diet of pills and food.  A companion  that we
hired, took gentle care of her, and then took her shopping today.  After
a refreshing bath, she finally  came down to eat in the dining room to
the warm greeting of many residents. The freezer is well stocked with
many containers of ice cream.

Barbara is particularly grateful to the many friends who wished her
well, and those who prayed for her as well.  We believe this has helped
her. What we need now is a cure for Parkinson!
'Carpe Diem' more than ever.