

Hi Barb and Camilla:

We've been there, done that!
We moved into this retirement community about 11 months ago, and the
population is increasing, now about 350, as new buildings are erected,
for an eventual total of over 2000.  This community will have three
levels of residence, totally independent, assisted living (to be
available next year), and nursing care facilities.
When we meet new residents, we usually talk about how hard it was to
sell our home where we lived for 20, 30, 40 years and how hard it was to
practice the reduction in size, and how hard it is to give or sell or
give away stuff and mementos we have accumulated over the years.  This
commonality draws us together to a large extent.  We also have a closed
channel TV where I advertise the next meeting of our Capital Chapter of
the National Parkinson Foundation of Northern Virginia.
This has served us well so far, because I've had to call on the house
security to manage two health emergencies, and they came through most
successfully.  This residence has become another family as the
Parkinsonian family has.
'Carpe Diem'