

When my mom, nearly 82, was last in hospital for a blood clot, the hospital
social services coordinator talked w/dad(85) and me about home health,
meals on wheels, in home cleaning, etc. so dad and i could plan how it
would work best for them when mom ret'd home which is not in the same city
as any of we children.  This person is on staff at the hospital and said
dad or i could call her anytime for information or referrals for mom who is
not a pwp.  It was certainly alot more convenient to have her as a resource
rather than looking up points of contact for the multiple services my
parents needed.  She was what I'd call a general contractor for patient
services in that situation.

jeanette fuhr

From: Hilary Blue <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 12:05 AM

This is exactly (i think) what my friend ann and i are trying ot canvas for
from the other end. Surely, amongst 1 million pwps in this country ( a
conservative estimate) and three caregivers, and their families, and their
sisters and their cousins and their aunts, amd all rabbit's friends and
relations,there must be doctors , lawyers, ex-SSI employees, contractors,
plumbers, car mechanics -etc. etc.who could spearhead groups of volunteers
help other pwps when they need someone to talk out for them. Sort of
specialist patient advocates . so that when a pwp is faced with a situation
there is someone on call to give moral and knowledgeable support, to stand
for the rights of the pwp, from a hearing on ssi, to a car breaking down on
the highway to being faced with foreclosure....

Leo Fuhr wrote:
> If I read and understood this post of Cari's, the question is "Would a
> general contractor who explains services for patients or
> of patients with Parkinson's have been helpful?"  This gen'l contractor
> might be a not-for-profit org volunteer or employee who could guide pwp
> the services that might help pwp cope or better function with PD.
> My answer is YES, YES, YES!!!!!  But I don't know of any such contractor
> and that is why I attend a support group, belong to PAN, NPF and
> and if I could afford it would belong to some more PD orgs.