

Hi  Janice
12 years ago I felt the same way as you and I think most ofus at this
stage do. But now  having been also very lucky with fairly slow progress
and still fairly active slowed somewhat at the moment due to nap
attackjs, but sincerely wished I knew then what I know now about PD. In
April (by the way I have just had 60th birthday)I started a new upport
group close to several elderly living complexes Now 7 months later have
an enrolment of 43 members some who travel 1 hour to get to the
meeting., I find it great therapy for myself and by the response from
the more elderly have given them a different out look on everyday life
with PD especially those newly diagnosed . I try to approach everything
from  a younger point of view and not the dirgy forgive me for saying
but some of the videos presented for these elderly folk consist of
immobile faceless people exercising where as they seem to enjoy a
younger more enthusiastic outlook and we all can joke about it and it
seems that it is reviving their enthusiasm,and the faces seem to leave
much happier than when they walk in ands have a lot of input.We only
have guest speakers about avery two months in order to give ourselves
iintergroupo discussions. where we learn mloost of all from each other.
It does take a lot of time and effort to adapt the programms to be able
to cover everybodies ability but it has geven them hope instead of
resignation to that aimless life they often sink into.
Hoping that I can carry on for some years yet
Margaret Clark(48/12/60)