

Hang in there Barb you can do it  I quit cold about 8 years ago after
smoking about a half million cigarettes in 60 years .  tough few days but it
can be done. When people told me about quitting and how hard it was, I used
to say "It's easy, I quit 5 or 6 times every day"  Then one day I said to
myself no more.
Bob Anibal
----- Original Message -----
From: Barbara Patterson <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 10:52 PM
Subject: Safe place? What belongs on the list?

> Hi, list-folks....ummm...we seem to have had a little spurt of uproar
> again, to say the least.  I must admit that I haven't been reading the
> religious war as closely as I perhaps should have.  My thoughts about
> what I had read was along the lines of "certainly is making folks think &
> write their opinions".  You know, the first support group meeting I went
> to just a few weeks after being diagnosed scared the daylights out of
> me.  Those pwp's were elderly, expressionless & obviously ill.  Now, I
> realize that behind that facade that pd puts up between us, there are
> still very wise people with very strong feelings on many topics...people
> who are not hesitant to express their feelings very clearly...which makes
> this journey with pd not quite as scary.
> I hope that we all feel that this is a safe place to ask/answer questions
> and to be open and honest about ourselves without fear of harassment or
> embarassment.  If there is anything that makes this impossible, let's work
> together towards a solution.  We are battling pd...that's war enough and
> work enough...we don't need to battle each other even with words.  We can
> agree to disagree but defend each other's right to express his/her
> opinions.
> Many members only feel comfortable as 'list-lurkers' which is a totally
> acceptable use of the list.  Unfortunately, there really are the other
> type of lurkers out there who seem to have no purpose in their lives other
> than to cause trouble & hurt feelings.  I don't pretend to know why they
> do what they do...that's up to people with much more education and
> specialized training than I have.  The best suggestion I have about
> dealing with them is to not give them the reaction they are asking for.
> Charlie, perhaps you can give us better advice about this.  I hope so.
> Anyway, folks....about the 'list-rules' 'list-purpose' I've said
> before, there are over 1800 of us so there are at least 1800 opinions
> about the purpose of the list.  The list rules are about as flexible as
> rules can fact, maybe 'list-suggestions' would be a better
> description.  The firmest one would be:  Thou shalt not interfere with a
> fellow listmember's right to feel safe and welcome to post to the list
> (and thou shalt not use the list for monetary gain).
> So....can we take aim again at our mutual enemy, pd?  Has everyone who
> possible can written to their political representatives asking
> (demanding) funding for pd research?  Does anyone have any suggestions
> about the effects of quitting smoking on pwp's (This is my eigth day
> without smoking...after 30 years of smoking)?
> Barb
> Barbara Patterson
[log in to unmask]
> HSC 2J22                                        905-525-9140, ext. 22403
>                         School of Nursing