

If you want facts about this kind of information I would go to "Ask The Doctor"
Dr. Abe Leiberman.  "Ask the Doctor" <[log in to unmask]> Don't
forget that each of us has different symptoms and different reaction to our meds.

Eleanor Noone wrote:

> Joan--My Mom has hallucinations brought on by Sinemet.  We learned at a
> support group meeting that the hallucinations come after seven or eight years
> on Sinemet.  She is now on Sinemet CR--minimum dose possible--and Resperidal
> for the hallucinations and confusion.  The Resperidal worked for a while, but
> doesn't seem to be helping as much now.  I can give her a half a tablet more
> sometimes, but her doctor says that it won't get any better.  I'm not trying
> to frighten you.  I just wish someone had told us what to expect.  Hope this
> answers your question or at least gives you something you can ask your Mom's
> doctor about.  Eleanor