


>         Call  me  a  little simple-minded, but how the heck does a law
>      that was put into effect in one specific country apply to a  com-
>      munication medium that has *no* national boundries.

I'm no lawyer but I would assume each of us is subject to the copyright laws
of our own country.  This may in practice mean that it is impractical to sue
someone for breach of copyright if they live in a different country to you,
so perpetrators may feel they can pretty well do what they like, but that
hardly makes it right. To my mind someone who KNOWINGLY breaks the laws of
their own country, on the grounds that it doesn't matter because the victim
can't retaliate, is still guilty of breaking those laws and in addition is
demonstrating an ambiguous morality.

On the practical side, your advice:

>         And, again, if you are *worried* that someone might post  your
>      "writing"  somewhere  you  don't want it to be seen, be *sure* to
>      specify that fact in your note.

is sound.  In fact i take it one step further and if I am writing to someone
who habitually reproduces private mail in a public forum I assume that my
letter will become public and write accordingly.  In other words they have
lost both my trust and my respect.

Dennis Greene 50/dx 37/ onset 32
There's nothing wrong with me that beating PD won't fix!
email - [log in to unmask]
Website -
(most recent update -Nov 5, 1999)

>         FWIW, I have copyright notices on all of my Web  pages  but  I
>      don't  expect them to be enforceable at this time as the communi-
>      cation medium that allows access to them spans too many  national
>      boundries  to be able to determine whose laws might apply -- IMO.
> Bill--
>   ...who wants to know if there is another word for Thesaurus?
>                                                    (42?) |\__/|  .~    ~.
> .___. William A. ....._..._ .......7177 Heritage Drive\- /o=o'`./      .'+
> | _ \__ _ _ _ _ _ ___| |_| |_ ___ .Westchester........| {o__,   \    {   |
> |  _/ _` | '_| '_/ -_)  _|  _/ -_).OH 45069-4012......|   / .  . )    \  |
> |_| \__,_|_| |_| \___|\__|\__\___|.513/779-0780.......|   `-` '-' \    } |
> ..... .... [log in to unmask] .......+- .(   _(   )_.' -+
>                                                            '---.~_ _ _|