

>Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 11:07:16 -0500
>To: Janet Paterson <[log in to unmask]>
>From: Camilla Flintermann <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Confusion/Ivan
>There is  confusion re: $$$$ gifts to Ivan, and I can only speak from many
>years as a counselor who had some clients who were on "puiblic
>assistance"--not in Maine, but in Ohio. I doubt the rules on this differ
>from state to state, as federal funds are involved.
>If a "recipient" of public assistance  is given money--even as a gift--it
>is counted against the grant they receive, an that amount is deducted--if
>large enough could make them ineligible.  Ivan reminded us of this when  a
>few years ago, some list members talked of giving him $$$$ to allow him to
>pay more for CGs. (Newer members would not know about that history...)  The
>only way Ivan or anyone else on "assistance" can get  extra financial help
>is if the $$$$ is paid directly to the creditor---for example, Ivan has
>said that someone pays his phone bills, and this must be done to the phone
>company--he can never touch the money (that's how it is in Ohio, anyway).
>So sending cash, checks, whatever to Ivan could only be counter-productive,
>and could get him in greater trouble than he is in now if he didn't report
>it !  We can't urge him to break the law, for sure. Frustrating to the
>generous impulses but true, I fear.
>The other aspect of this whole thing is Barb Patterson's request that the
>list not be used in this way.
>Ivan has clarified a couple of points I hade--when he called me last night
>I urged him to contact the legal advisor he "had not thought of calling
>"since summer, and he assured me he'd do so. I hope  something can be
>worked out with the city, but as has been evident in all this convoluted
>discussion here, there are legal complexities that we are not really
>equipped to deal with.  Those who wish to help Ivan can best do so by
>following his suggestion of letters and calls.  I know he appreciates the
>concern shown by Paul and others---unfortunately, "It ain't that simple,
>       Camilla Flintermann,            <[log in to unmask]>
>       CG for Peter, 81/70/55                   co-owner, CARE list
>            "If the only tool you have is a hammer,
>                   everything looks like a nail. "
>                       ----Abraham Maslow