

hi all

cyber-dad-don and i had a cyber-sation this morning
i know he does not mind my sharing

this just reinforces my reasons for giving thanks
no matter what month, country, or phase of the moon

janet aka sis

>Return-Path: <[log in to unmask]>
>Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 07:20:09 -0500
>To: "Don McKinley" <[log in to unmask]>
>From: janet paterson <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: MONEY
>hi cyber-dad
>At 13:21 1999/11/23 -0800, you wrote:
>>hi sis remember couple years ago some sent me money. how upset
>>i got and gave it to charity. we decided it was a bad police in
>>sending any one money. ...
>>I think i was the first to except IVAN as one of us regardless of
>>his believes. he has done lot for PWP'S ...
>>i now got a big problem a fellow who is blind but has PD. 78 years
>>old. 3 years a PWP. he asked me to tell him how to live withit so
>>long. I don't want to fib to him got to give him some kind of a
>>answer and not hurt him. i have been so sick lately and tired.
>>al most ready to through in the towel. he has a program that reads
>>his email to him. i got to come up which an answer soon. may be
>>you got an answer....
>maybe i do and maybe i dont!
>i had to think about this for a bit
>so now i just re-read your message and said to myself
>78 years old and blind - how long has he been blind?
>"how can he 'possibly' cope with such a 'devastating' handicap?"...
>"i'd rather be dead than blind"...
>see what i mean? it's all relative -
>there's lots of different kinds of seeing
>i can't "see" pd as a curse but a lot of people do
>and i am afeard that "looking" on it as a curse is a self-fulfilling prophecy
>what you see is what you want to see and ends up being what you get
>of course you are feeling lousy and tired and sick right now
>you are entitled
>who doesn't once in awhile ?
>and who wouldn't with your current health belly?
>woe is me, i have a sore throat, itchy eyes etc
>and i'm probably coming down with a cold or the flu
>and i probably caught it by hanging around
>with my niblings at a couple of hockey games
>should i have been a hermit instead? nunh unh!!!
>>well withall the work you got i will by LOVE dad
>>                                   I.Y.Q
>lots of work yes
>but not nearly as much inspiration as talking to you
>i hope this helped
>it has sure helped me
>i don't know where it comes from, but you drag it out!
>janet paterson
>52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
>e-mail - [log in to unmask]
>web-site -