

Comtan is suppose to be taken with Sinemet at the same time.  I assume that
most people would take their Sinemet tablet along with their Comtan tablet.
(I do understand how Comtan works as a COMT inhibitor.)  Because Mama takes
her Sinemet not in pill-form but already dissolved in water, wouldn't it
make sense to take the Comtan tablet 10 or 15 minutes prior to taking the
dissolved Sinemet?  This would give the Comtan time to dissolve in the
digestive system and reach the COMT before the Sinemet is interfered by the
COMT.  If Mama takes her dissolved Sinemet concurrently with her Comtan
tablet, wouldn't the Sinemet reach the bloodstream before the Comtan?

Teresa, Daughter of Mama (57/43/38)