

Teresa, makes sense to me!  But who am I to know
about the mysteries of the human body?

 Have you heard
that the cells that line the human stomach replace themselves
every 60 days?


On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 21:46:50 -0500 "Teresa V. Bohuszewicz"
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Comtan is suppose to be taken with Sinemet at the same time.  I assume
>most people would take their Sinemet tablet along with their Comtan
>(I do understand how Comtan works as a COMT inhibitor.)  Because Mama
>her Sinemet not in pill-form but already dissolved in water, wouldn't
>make sense to take the Comtan tablet 10 or 15 minutes prior to taking
>dissolved Sinemet?  This would give the Comtan time to dissolve in
>digestive system and reach the COMT before the Sinemet is interfered
>by the
>COMT.  If Mama takes her dissolved Sinemet concurrently with her
>tablet, wouldn't the Sinemet reach the bloodstream before the Comtan?
>Teresa, Daughter of Mama (57/43/38)

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 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses           deg. F   :-)