

Hello Sonia,

Excuse my  ignorance but what does it mean  :
I+AGA-m  and  it+AGA-s   ???

Best wishes,

sonia nielsen wrote:

> Morning dear listmembers.
> I have tried Tasmar which I was very ill from twice, This summer I started
> Entacopone (COMTESS) but after only one month and it seems to help me,
> unfortunately the sideeffect was very bad, I had diarrhoe 6-8 times a day .
> and also had to vomit every day. ofcourse my neuro asked me to stop.
> I have been talking with other pwp in our Parkinson club, and it seems until
> now I+AGA-m one of the few who  had sideeffect from Comtess. Of course I was
> sorry about this, because it helped me.
> Instead of I started with PRAMIPEXOL 6 weeks ago very slowly because it+AGA-s
> hard for me to tolerate all that stuff, and until now it+AGA-s the best happened
> to me, more energy and some point of the day I+AGA-m walking without my sticks.
> Michel, hugs to Barb and you, hope she is doing better, and also nice to

   +----| Joao Paulo de Carvalho   |------ +
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   +--------| Salvador-Bahia-Brazil |------+