

Thank you Bill for this explanation.
It clarified one or two things for me.
I, for one, grapple with the changes that technology demands
of my lifestyle.  I am not a luddite, but change comes slowly.

I belong to another list for  clay enthusiasts (potters/ sculptors who
share technical info about kilns, glazes, etc.)  This weekend they are
talking about reducing the amount of technology in their lives

Some are roasting their turkey wrapped in clay over an open fire.
Gypsy's in England used to bake a hedgehog by covering it with wet clay
until the spines were completely covered.  They would then put it into the
coals of an open fire to cook.  The clay sealed in the juices.  Once done,
they would break the ball of clay open and watch the skin and spines peeling
away along with the clay...this left the succulent meat ready to eat.  Some
even decorated the clay covering  with designs and logos for good health.

How do we embrace all the wonderously frenetic inventions of our
technology-driven  lifestyle and still hold onto timeless values with a calm
heart and soul?

It is great when people take a moment (or two) to share.

Joan U.

From: William A. Parrette
Date: Sunday, November 28, 1999 9:47 AM

>        As  is  my nature -- as many folks on this and other lists can
>     attest -- I have taken more than a moment.  But, again as  is  my
>     nature  (being  a  teacher  by profession), I sincerely hope that
>     this long-winded explanation might help just one list-member have
>     a  better  understanding why text messages are best and why unso-
>     licited binary attachments are generally frowned upon.

>        Take  care,  thanks for "listening," and (as I have been known
>     to say in closing a note) always grok in fullness ...
>  ...who, if at first he doesn't succeed, redefines success.
>.___. William A. ....._..._ .......7177 Heritage Drive+--------- (42?) --+
>| _ \__ _ _ _ _ _ ___| |_| |_ ___ .Westchester........|    /\_/\  /      |
>|  _/ _` | '_| '_/ -_)  _|  _/ -_).OH 45069-4012......|   ( o.o )        |
>|_| \__,_|_| |_| \___|\__|\__\___|.513/779-0780.......|    > - <         |
>..... .... [log in to unmask] .......+------------------+