

1 54 yo, Male, 10 years
1a. STN
2.  Freezing, Dystonia, dyskinesia
3. 6 months
4. All at once
5 . No
6. 9 days
7  24 hours
8. After adjustments  4 months and still not optimal but considerable
9. Approximately 3.5 but they are different on each side as well as
different contacts, pulse width and frequency.
10. Originally every 10 days to 2 weeks but now every 3 months
11. Could notice some change within 1-2 minutes
12. A little flatter but not significantly so
13. 30-50%
14.  I was wheelchair bound and now I can walk with a walker and have not
used the chair at all for several months.  I had polio as a kid so I could
never run and that is what probably keeps me from walking on my own.
15.  YES and YES
16.  You forgot to ask the negatives-  which are some  increased voice
volume problems and some increased forgetfulness.


----- Original Message -----
From: Tom Riess <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, November 29, 1999 2:10 PM

> The following DBS survey is addressed to members of the list who have
> undergone DBS surgery and is intended to help those of us who have
> undergone the procedure and help others who contemplate having it done.
> the interest of brevity merely identify the question you are answering by
> number.
> (1) what is your age, sex and how long have you had PD?
> (2) for what symptoms did you have DBS surgery?
> (3) how long has it been since you had DBS surgery?
> (4) was your procedure done in stages or all at once?
> (5) did you have and visible signs of swelling after the surgery?
> (6) how long after the surgery were your stimulators (stims) turned on?
> (7) how long after the stims were turned on did you notice an effect?
> (8) how long after the stims were  turned  on did you notice the optimal
> effect?
> (9) if you know, what is the current voltage setting of your stims?
> (10) what was the interval between a change of voltage setting in your
> stim?
> (11) how long after a change in the voltage  could you feel the impact of
> the change?
> (12)have you noticed any emotional changes since the procedure?
> (13)have you been able to reduce your meds since the surgery (if so by
> approximately what percentage)?
> (14)if you could not run prior to the surgery can you run now?
> (15)on balance are you pleased with the results and would you recommend it
> to others?
> (16) other comments?
> your participation is sincerely appreciated
> Tom Riess