

>From: "Charles T. Meyer, M.D." <[log in to unmask]>

> I know from personal experience and my PD patients when I was in practice
> that stress exacerbated PD symptoms. When epinepherine and norepinepherine
> are secreteted as a stress response people tend to tremble.

This is how I feel often, as I have a new (for a month now), stressful,
career-making or breaking job and I feel trembly much of the time. I have a
muscle spasm in my right shoulder that comes and goes, coming more than
going lately, and this is the arm I don't swing as much when walking (the
first symptom I ever noticed). Plus I've been feeling more depressed and
anxious as well and am finally about to take the plunge of retaining a
regular weekly therapist. I was recently reading a list of the warning signs
of depression and I matched 6 of the 7 listed symptoms (and have, I now
realize, for many years).

Mind you, I haven't even been diagnosed officially with PD yet by an MD,
but, ya know, I just have this funny feeling......