

> From: "Charles T. Meyer, M.D." <[log in to unmask]>

> dopamine metabolites are made in the body in different areas than the
> substantia nigra and therefore the metabolites I believe are unable to be
> separated from the metabolites of dopamine from other sources.

So what other areas make dopamine? I've heard that the eyes make trace
amounts but haven't heard of other areas.

I'm personally curious to learn if dopamine loss from the eyes impacts at
all on glaucoma. I'm at an increased risk of glaucoma because my intraocular
fluid pressures were right at the high end of normal (19-21 milligrams [or
micrograms, I can never remember which] of mercury) on pressure tests the
last two years, plus I'm very nearsighted. If my pressure readings get into
the mid-20's I'd have to take eyedrops every day to lower the pressures and
prevent the onset of the disease.