

Dear Dennis,
I`m so happy to hear about your DB surgery and that you are doing so well
I havn`t been on the list from March until November - so I didn`t knew about
your surgery.
As you maybe remember this  DBS also takes place át our Universityhospital
in Aarhus (Denmark) and until now 21 pwp have got this surgery. Among those
I have 3 very good  friends and they all are doing so well :-) like you.
My husband and I was in US and  we met Ivan in person it was nice.
Take care and hope to meet you on chat one day.

Sonia the lioness

----- Original Message -----
From: Dennis Greene <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: 30. november 1999 00:52
Subject: Re: the list

> Ida
> Thank you for your enquiry.  I have had, on balance, a very good result.
> All but the very worst of my dyskinesias (the head ones) have been
> suppressed, and even with the head dyskinesias I have experienced a
> reduction in both intensity and incidence.
> One unexpected bonus (given that my DBS was of the globus palidus and
> targeted specifically at dyskinesia) is that my "On" time has increased
> dramatically.  Prior to surgery I was experiencing about 70% 'OFF' time to
> 30% 'ON' time - now it is 80 % "ON" time and 20% "OFF" time.
> I have no way of knowing how long this good result will last - there may
> well be need for further adjustments as things progress but, if I may
> slightly misquote D. H Lawrence, for the moment I feel as if " I am in the
> hands of the unknown God, (who has broken) me down to his own oblivion
> sent) me forth on a new morning, a new man"
> Dennis