

i really don't remember if you told me about PET or not, but luckily a
member of the list contacted them, and mr green has been super about giving
support. I haven't written the list, the below poem gives some good idea
why. Dawana is doing a little better, she had a good day on Fri, then 2 real
bad days. I went home mon to see the boys, ended up coming back a day early,
she had a bad night again last night. She is waking up enough for me to read
her the cards now, but things are still very fuzzy. She didnt remember a
friend she has known for 20 yrs last nnight, etc, but the fact that she gets
cards letters angels etc means a lot to her. I won't be writting much more
about us, until things are much more stable. the highs are so nice, but the
lows hurt so bad, and to re-read what i wrote just a day, or an hour earlier
is just too hard.
once again , thanks for all the suppport


You know I've never liked rollercoasters -
Hell, you've helped hold me up
after riding them with the boys,
But as bad as they have always been,
this rollercoaster has been the ride from hell.
When I went to sleep, all was right with my world
The boys were ok,
I was adjusting to
not being able to do what I used to
And most important of all,
we were getting right again with each other.
I woke up briefly to your screams,
And again to destruction all around
dust in my face, and you missing
The relief I felt on finding you
made my every prayer seemed answered
but time and time again since then,
I have been lifted up and dashed down
I've lost track of how many
Different times different doctors
Have told me you've turned the corner
Only to have something new go wrong
Or another complication develop
The original problem, the pelvis
Is still not repaired
And you are so much worse now
Will you live or die?
Which do I wish for you?
To survive and make me complete
Yet live in pain and agony
Or to die and have everlasting life and peace
And leave me empty and alone.
I don't know what to wish for anymore
Or who to pray to
I just know I want our old life back
Me, you and the boys
Worrying about bills, and grades
Lets leave this place, of pain and sorrow
Soon, ok? My heart is so heavy
And the pain never goes away

Copyright  1999 bob armentrout

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