

I'm glad someone answered by saying that if you feel fine your meds must
be fine for you.  That is a question that really only you can answer.
Parkinson's is a very individualized disease.  It would probably be very
difficult to find two PWP who take the same medication at the same time
and have same reaction. If your meds let your  body feel and act like a
"normal" person than they are fine for you at that time.  You will know
when they need to be changed.  And maybe you've already discovered that a
number of things  can  affect the meds  and  throw things off for a short
time - stress, of mind or body ( even just a cold), hormones, and if
protein bothers you stick to a low protein, low fat diet.  Unless you are
bothered by nausea, try not to eat 45 minutes to an hour before and after
 taking Sinemet.   And here's a plug for Kathrynne Holden -   her
nutrition handbook  "Eat well, Stay well with Parkinson's Disease" is
very informative.  She also authored the NPF booklet  "Nutrition Matters"
which you can receive at no cost  from NPF (1-800-327-4545).

Sharon H