

Dear Joao and  Jeanette,

I picked many one-cup servings of DELICIOUS Maine wild blueberries
from the hill just up the  treet from where I live, this past July.

Joao wrote us that:

  "Scientists who published this new research found that old rats who had
blueberry supplements added to their diets showed improved balance and

Now, if I could only REMEMBER where they are in my freezer,
I could send you both some of our "blues."  I am often lost , leaning
, looking amidst the ziplock bags of strawberries, blackberries,
black raspberries and elderberries we collected this summer,

 HEY, WAIT A MINUTE ,Joao, there may be qualities in the ELDERberries
that are not studied yet...!  Could they give us wisdom?
Would us younger-onset PWP's benefit?

Oh, No, old berries for younger PWEP's??   I'm getting befuddled again..

HEY NATALIE, another round of blueberry pancakes, PLEEZ!!!!

from a Maine berry-picker
who is 50/39/36

On Sat, 4 Dec 1999 08:11:43 -0600 Leo Fuhr <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Joao Paulo Carvalho wrote to the list about the study of "old" rats
>given a diet rich w/blueberries, spinach or strawberry supplements and
>the memories of these rats, esp. those fed blueberries, improved.
>I'd like to volunteer for any human trials as long as I'm in one of
>berry fed groups and NOT the spinach fed group.  In the meantime, I
>to add berries to my diet provided that HyVee produce dept has fresh
>available.  I don't suppose blueberry muffins or pancakes are what the
>were fed?
>Jeanette Fuhr 49/47/44?

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses           deg. F   :-)