

When I was a teen-ager, a bunch of us ( including a guy who later became my
brother-in-law) used to hop a freight train in town and ride out in the
country to pick blueberries. Brough them home and Mom made a pie. Most
delicious pies ever made. I'm 81 so guess the berries did it. As to spinach,
had a prenup agreement  that if wife ever served me spinach I would
immediately see a lawyer. After all the d___weed is full of oxalic acid
which is a very potent poison. My grandmother used to make elderberry wine.
There are 2 elderberry wines  one from floweers and one from the fruit.
Sooooooooooo this old rat will go for the elderberries, blueberries and
strawberries and leave the spinach for Popeye.
Bob A.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Leo Fuhr" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 1999 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: Blueberries

> Joao Paulo Carvalho wrote to the list about the study of "old" rats being
> given a diet rich w/blueberries, spinach or strawberry supplements and
> the memories of these rats, esp. those fed blueberries, improved.
> I'd like to volunteer for any human trials as long as I'm in one of the
> berry fed groups and NOT the spinach fed group.  In the meantime, I intend
> to add berries to my diet provided that HyVee produce dept has fresh ones
> available.  I don't suppose blueberry muffins or pancakes are what the
> were fed?
> Jeanette Fuhr 49/47/44?
> ----------