

Greg. When I started 4 weeks ago, my Sinemet was 1-50/200 in the morning and
1-25/100 in the afternoon. My neuros recommended (effectively following the
Requip package insert instructions) starting with .25mg 3x/day first week,
.50mg 3x/day second week and increasing weekly thereafter by .25 mg 3x/day
until I reach 1.5mg 3x/day at which time I go for an evaluation of the
results. When I asked how and when to reduce the Sinemet, a got believe it or
not, a nebulous answer, something like "when you think you're ready." I
managed to wait two weeks and as I began the third week with .75 mg Requip
3x/day, I cut my morning Sinemet to 25/100 or in other words, cut my total
dose of Sinemet by 1/3. I am now in my fourth week and taking 1.0 mg 3x/day
and my tremors are slightly worse than before I cut the Sinemet but the
stiffness in my writing hand is OK. I understand it could take longer yet for
me to really have an effect from Requip. I don't plan to cut the Sinemet
again at least until my next evaluation, even if the tremor control improves
to my pre Requip days. For all I know, the experiment may not work but I
wanted to try. I've had no adverse side effects from the Requip.

Paul H. Lauer