

Hi all,

        On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, the following appeared in the digest:

> Date:    Sun, 12 Dec 1999 21:04:58 -0500
> From:    Jeana <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: generic sinemet cr
> Is there anyone who is on Sinemet CR 52/200 generic (blue oval tab)?
> I recently tried it and am curious how it affected others.

        I  have  been  on Sinemet CR 50/200 for about a year now.  The
     last two times I had my prescription refilled they  replaced  the
     name-brand  with a generic.  I had actually asked over a year ago
     if a generic was available and received a negative response.  I'm
     assuming the generic availability is recent.

        I'm  taking  four tablets a day and have noticed no difference
     in the name-brand and the generic.  They appear, in my physiology
     to do the same thing and work the same way.

  ...who wants to know if Roman paramedics refer to "IV's" as "4's?"
.___. William A. ....._..._ .......7177 Heritage Drive+- |  | -- o ------+
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|_| \__,_|_| |_| \___|\__|\__\___|.513/779-0780.......|    \|     |/     |
..... .... [log in to unmask] .......+---- _\___/_ -----+
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