

Dear Sir: Yes, it's probably the Sinemet. When I first
started it, I swear I could hear the neurotransmitters
start to buzz and the cobwebs clear. And yes, you will feel
even better in a few weeks or so.   Carole

--- SIR JAMES1st <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Good morin to all the ladies and gentleman of this fair
> list. It's Monday again, I tried to stop it but
> failed,just another day in paradise at Chico Ca. Went to
> the neuro. Friday and got meds changed from; 15 mg daily
> of Requip, to 10 mg Requip and 1, 25/100
> Sinemet Cr 2X.  I don't  know if it's the lower Requip or
> Sinemet, but my head is a lot clearer and I seem to have
> more energy. It's only been two days at this dosage. Down
> side is tremor in hand is not as controlled. Does it take
> time for the Sinemet to build up in your system?
>              Good day to all
>                                  12/13 @6:00pst
>                SIR JAMES

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