

i am the nancy who wrote before about sinemet causing my dystonia. (I
have msa)

i go to the best physical therapist ever.  we drive an hour each way
twice a week just to go to him.  my toes are permanently curled under.
he made me something for my toes so i can walk without stepping on my
toenails.  i call it a brace.  it is made out of a piece of gel pad
wrapped in gauze and secured with velcro.  if you or anyone with curled
under toes are interested in more details, email me off list and my
husband will answer.   he also put something in my sneakers to help
raise my foot off my toes. i can walk holding on to someone without pain
in my foot/toes.

i am going to try botox in afew weeks to see if it will help some of my
twisted muscles.

i live in new jersey.

58/diag pd 7/95/diag msa 3/99