

Hi Mr. Chivers:

If you've only been diagnosed as  having PD since November, it may well be
that your doctor is still trying to find the correct dosage/combination of
drugs for your particular problems.

The best way to initiate therapy in PD is to start any medication at a very
low, sub-clinical dose and then slowly titrate upward until benefit is seen.
This can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months depending on your
symptoms and your responses to the medications.The doctor will "fine-tune"
your daily dosage based on feedback from you.  This is why a daily diary is
often suggested so that your doctor can see your responses over several days
or weeks to determine any patterns.  This helps to define your treatment
options further.  Thus, you may not be taking enough drug to sufficiently
limit your tremors though it is sufficient to provide greater mobility
(possibly by lessening whatever rigidity  you may be experiencing).

Also, please remember that most doctors will not automatically try for 100%
control of all symptoms.  The objective is to limit the PD symptoms
sufficiently so the PWP can function in life, business, etc., with as few
side effects as possible.

Have patience and take this time to learn as much as possible about
Parkinson's disease.  This way you'll be able to discuss your questions and
concerns more knowledgeably with your neurologist and be able to choose,
with your physician's advice, the best therapeutic options for you.  You've
made a good start by searching the internet and becoming a member of this
listserve.  The national organizations for PD (PDF, NPF and APDA) all have a
wide variety of educational materials and services.  There are also a number
of good books you can borrow from your local library - one of the best being
Roger Duvoisin's book, A Guide for Patient and Family (in it's 3rd edition
now, I believe)..

Good luck.

Jeanne Lee-Rosner

----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Chivers <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 1999 11:17 PM
Subject: Lower back pain

> Hi I'm Bill Chivers new to the List. In November I was
> diagnosed with PD. I have the usual symptoms but with
> added lower back pain that I haven't heard mentioned.
> Also the sinomet doesn't seem to stop my shaking but
> it does give me more mobility. Is this normal?
> __________________________________________________
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