

interesting and quick response - thanks, hans -

i have a question for those of you taking liquid sinemet -

we already know how fickle sinemet is - too much (alas. . .) - too little (oh
no. . .)
as my dad takes all of his sinemet 25-100 in 1/4s
[6a, 9a, 3p, 6p]
(which of course we try to cut as precisely as possible) i've inquired via
fax to his doctor about liquid sinemet - (no response yet)

for you pros out there - is it a simple procedure to "get" the precise dosage
of the liquid form?  is it like an eye-dropper?  is it "pre-dosed"?

i will be with my father in tyler, texas (bob, i trust you and dwana might
save a seat for me to visit over the holidays!) 12/20 through 12/25 - and
want to give it a trial run while there -

please advise me (on or offline) of whatever might be useful -

note:  the CRs are large enough to split so not concerned there. . .

also remember that we are trying to keep the sinemet in balance with the
tasmar (taken @ 6a and 12noon) which is why precision is such a pain -

either "helicopter-ing" (dyskinetic) or immobile -

thanks -
daughter of. . .