

Before I was diagnosed for Parkinsonism I was fiddling Old-timey music.
Now, I'm still trying to fiddle Old-timey Music with less sustained effect.
Used to play for 2-3 hours, now I gratified that I can sometimes play 20-30
minutes, so I leave my fiddles out and when the mood strikes I pick up the
fiddle and crank out some tunes until rigidity sets in.  I used to be
discouraged but Now I'm happy to be able to have that much time.  I'm also
glad I have great friends(musical tune-givers) who will play tunes with me.
Positive thinking, always keep trying and the music has good a effect on me.
Even at a music party I can just sit and listen to the music.  As we say at
a jam late in the evening, "One more tune".
----- Original Message -----
From: Arthur Hirsch <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 1999 12:00 AM
Subject: Music therapy