

Good morin to all the ladies and gentleman of this fair list. It's Monday again, I tried to stop it but failed,just another day in paradise at Chico Ca. Went to the neuro. Friday and got meds changed from; 15 mg daily of Requip, to 10 mg Requip and 1, 25/100
Sinemet Cr 2X.  I don't  know if it's the lower Requip or Sinemet, but my head is a lot clearer and I seem to have more energy. It's only been two days at this dosage. Down side is tremor in hand is not as controlled. Does it take time for the Sinemet to build up in your system?

                                                                       Good day to all
                                                                                           12/13 @6:00pst

                                                                         SIR JAMES