

At 11:34 AM 12/19/1999 -0800, Kathy Whitman wrote:
>>  I have only talked to him once.  Dick
>> > usually goes to his doctors by himself.  He goes when he is suppose to
>> > and is not afraid to call and ask questions and he will do what the
>> > doctors tell him, (most of the time)
>Will your husband accept you going with him? My husband wasn't eager for me
>to gobut I said that if I were going to see a neurologist I would want him
>along for support. He
>accepted that and now likes me to go to all appointments as he has a hearing
>He often only takes in part of what the doctor says and this way we know what
>is going on.
>And as someone else says the neuro often asks the care giver their opinion as
>they see things the patient doesn't.
>Kaathy W cg jim
I always have gone to the dr.s with Bob. we just do things together I
guess..he goes with me and I go with him :). When Bob was getting all those
xrays and such for this and that they wanted me to wait in the waiting
rooom...I said no..I will come with him. I had to wait outside the xray
room but at least I was able to help Bob with taking off his shirt and
keeping him steady and all...guess I am over protective.
Bob has lost his sense of balance big time with pd. I help him putting his
shoes on sometimes if he is too tired to reach way down there...:)
him get dressed...

I figured out that I am basically 2 people in laugh to
keep the sanity :) with his diabetes he doesn't think of eating when he is
busy doing stuff that he is normally toooo tired to I have to..that
is the way it is.

yes....go to the dr with your hubby....that is a good way to ask questions
and get answers :)


Coleen CG to Bob :)