

As a care giver I can agree with your post regarding feeling
overwhelmed. I had for almost 13yrs had a helpmate. George
had done all the cooking and grocery shopping. We shared the housework
and the yard work. Unti 1995 we had worked as a team, doing property
management. At that point we decided
due to health problems we both needed to retire. Looking back now, Geo's
health problems were PD, not dx until fall of 98.
Now for safety, Geo no longer drives,
cooks only on his really good days. He still likes to be a part of groc.
I really have to work at not getting bitchy
about his moving so slowly, because I hate groc shopping, therefore want
to get in and get out as quickly as possible. I have tried giving him
part of the list and
meeting at the car. This works pretty well. Of course, I find myself
getting a little irratable when he buys things that are not on the list.
Like you said caregivers are also victims
Fortunately for me Geo realizes how much this impacts me and he
both tells me and shows me just how much he appreciates me. We really
to take the time to have actual conversations and to listen to each
Just felt a need to respond to your post and to say I too am hangin in
JuanitaCG George 73 dx 98