

Drew wrote:
-----.  My neurologist said he thinks I have
>PD but wants to rule out the fact that some symptoms that can cross over
from ADD-like
>tremors-[not cogwheel (sic)], forgetfulness  of words, weakness of one
side, lack of
>movement of same side, mask like feeling on face although not showing very
much etc.
>He said that he feels I probably have PD, but at my age-30- he wants to
rule out ADD
>and to a much much lesser extent MS

Have you had ADD as a child and adult?  This is a syndrome that doesn't
occur suddenly - one is born with it.  As an advocate for children with
disabilities I have seen my share of ADD and ADHD.  Symptoms are first seen
in the hospital new born nursery before the kid ever gets home.   Many of
the kids I follow are highly athletic, but are diagnosed with bipolar
disorder when they reach adulthood with alarming frequency.  Many of them
also have gross and fine motor deficits.

My husband also has your problems, but they are a result of Sinemet.  Are
you on that med?
God bless
Mary Ann (CG Jamie 60/40)