

>Kathy Bailey wrote:

>My son has ADHD, with OCD and anxiety problems. He has been on several
>some work for a while, then we try another. He just tried Zoloft, and
>not help. We will try Paxil  starting on  Monday. I have read so much
>the side effects. I am worried. Has your daughter had many negative
>reactions? How old is she? My son is 10.


My daughter is 11 and has been on Paxil for over a year now. She is
doing extremely well, but we have taken other steps that have
contributed to this success. She was in tutoring for over a year and
this year we started her in a private Christian school. The change in
environment helped a great deal.

She has had a lot to deal with over the past three years with her
difficulties, my PD diagnosis and a grandmother, who she adores, slowly
slipping away to dementia. Kids today are in a tough enviroment. It is
even more difficult for a sensitive child.

Phil Gesotti 50/46+