

Thank you for offering to share the DAPS tape with all of us
in  the true spirit of giving...just before the holidays...
Many thanks to DAPS for providing this gift.

I liked your use of the word "prominent" ...
"People with Parkinson's have prominence" might make an interesting T-shirt

Joan U.
(where it remains sunny and warm with absolutely no snow...can it really be
only 6 days until Christmas?)

-----Original Message-----
From: Arthur Hirsch <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Saturday, December 18,

>As of this writing, I have received twenty requests for the DAPS tape, "A
>Story of Hope."  ....>CUT

>We've had several people offer to pay for the tapes.  Thank you, but I
>don't care to have the hassle of handling the money.  The tapes are a gift
>to those who request them, the cost of the tapes and the mailing has been
>covered by the grant.  >However, DAPS does have a "Sunshine Committee" that
will take donations -
>and that will be mentioned in my cover letter.  We will stop mailing tapes
>when the grant money runs out - and we have a long way to go on that. > CUT

For those of you who missed the original  e-mail, here's a repeat...

Jim West of DAPS, the Dallas Area Parkinsonism Society, has produced and
directed an excellent twenty-five minute tape about our support
organization.  The tape tells about Parkinson's and what we at DAPS are
doing to help Parkinsonians.

I have arranged for us to receive a grant which will allow us to share this
tape with several hundred prominent people in the Parkinson community and
their support groups.   Most of these prominent people are you, the people
on this list.  Within the limits of our grant we will gladly send at no
cost a copy of this tape to all listmembers who ask for one.> CUT