

well-said and matches my experience!

On Sun, 19 Dec 1999 19:06:13 -0500 Hilary Blue <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>No, dont just wait outside.
>Be there with him.
>i firmly believe that evey  pwp needs am advocate with him at the
>whether it is his/her spouse, or caregiver or good friend,smeone he
>can trust
>to be an inpartial observer.
>Often the doctor is so rushed, and the patient is involcved with what
>he is
>doing - touching his nose or tapping his hands or whatever,  and then
>the doctor says is lost , or the patient is confused and forgets
>things in the
>moment theiy are said,
>whatever the reason it is important to have somebody there, taking
>either mental oar actually with pen and paper. so that there is a
>clear record
>of what went on between doctor and patient.  In fact i have been
>trying to
>promote the idea that part of the help a support group could offer
>would be to
>have  some members  prepared to accompany single pwps and be their
>when needed
>And not only at the doctor - -but that is another story.
>hlary blue (50//33/24)
>Susan Schmidt wrote:
>> Nancy & Bev, Thank you for your comments.  Your both right. I have
>> realized by reading Nancy's message that she is right I should go
>and I
>> must admit sometimes I use the factthatDick is reluctant to have me
>> there as an excuse  not to go.  That is wrong.  It is my
>> to be there even if it is just for moral support.I will be more
>> insistent in the future and make it a point to go even if I just sit
>> the waiting room.
>> SuecgDick

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses           deg. F   :-)