

although the headline IS misleading. jmr

Boy Cured of Sickle Cell Anemia

     ATLANTA (AP) - Dec 13, 1999 - A 13-year-old boy who underwent an
 blood cell transfusion was declared cured of sickle cell anemia
     Doctors had replaced the bone marrow of Keone Penn with STEM CELLS
 from the umbilical cord of an unrelated infant in the hopes
 that the new cells would produce healthy marrow, which in turn
 produces blood cells.
     ``I'm talking, my heart is beating and my brain is working,''
 Keone said in a statement from Children's Healthcare of Atlanta.
 ``I made it.''
     The transplant was performed Dec. 11, 1998, and was believed to
 be the first time unrelated cord blood has been used to treat
 sickle cell anemia _ an inherited, crippling and sometimes lethal
 disease prevalent among blacks.
     Doctors had said that they would wait a year to see if the stem
 cells were creating healthy blood before declaring Keone cured.
     ``The cord blood cells are now fully operational, making all
 healthy blood cells. ... We see no signs of sickle cells,'' said
 Dr. Andrew M. Yeager, the Emory University physician who performed
 the procedure.
     The procedure could mean an alternative to painful bone marrow
 transplants as a way of treating sickle cell, which is caused by
 defective bone marrow that creates irregularly shaped cells that
 are unable to pass through tiny blood vessels.
     Before Keone received the stem cells, doctors had given the
 procedure a 50-50 chance of working.

Judith Richards, London, Ontario, Canada
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