

I wrote and sent this letter to Ivan and Mr. Evans on
Friday.  Ivan has given me permission to share it with

Dear Mr. Evans;
I read with great appreciation that you were going to
help Ivan Suzman, a person with Parkinson's Disease,
fight to keep his home and get the taxes reduced or
stopped due to his situation.  Now I understand that
the "heavy hands" of your corporation have caused you
to cease and desist in this noble undertaking.  I'm
assuming that you have a family and must have a job to
survive, as we all do, however, I would hope that your
initial instincts to help another in dire straits was
more than a passing fancy.

If you haven't read John Grisham's book "Street
Lawyer" I would recommend it to your firms partners as
"required" reading as "food for thought".  I don't
expect you to give up what you have but perhaps with
your contacts you could assist in finding Ivan legal
counsel that does care and can and will fight for the
down trodden.  If you are not up on Parkinson's
Disease and it's affects on it's victims you might
take a look into the Parkinson's web site,, and learn
just how this disease robs it's victims.

Parkinson's can be slow or rapid in progression but
steadily and eventually the effects of it will cause
death.  There is no cure as yet.  The victims of this
disease are not only the PWP but the families and
caregivers as well.  What is truly amazing, marvelous
and wonderful is the Faith, Strength, Humility, Love,
Spirit and Support they all have for others all over
the world.  They celebrate victories like being able
to button a shirt, putting on their own socks and
shoes, eating, getting out of a chair and walking
across a room without assistance.  Most are not people
that are recognized world wide for great achievements,
positions or for being celebrities.  They are,
however, hard working, as long as they can be,
contributing members of society and family folks
fighting a debilitating disease that is not as
recognized nor as understood as others.  They are
rarely in the spotlight, don't get awards for heroism
yet they fight, never give up hope and display a
COURAGE that is rarely seen and almost never
recognized.  They are the true HEROS of the world.

The cost of the medications that they must take to
have any independence and relief from the disease are
excessive.  So funds become limited as earning ability
is reduced or stopped and stress increases.  Stress is
the one thing that a PWP does not need in their life
as it just increases the debilitating affects of the
disease.  I am not a PWP, but I can tell you I would
be very stressed if I was threatened with the loss of
my home.  Think how Ivan must feel with the roller
coaster ride the City of Portland and the State of
Maine has put him through.  How he has been taken to
the brink of being helped and then abandoned at the
eleventh hour.  All those involved need to look deep
within their hearts and souls and pray for guidance
and forgiveness if they succeed in dislodging Ivan
from his home.  One must ask, is it greed and power
that drives a society to reach conclusions instead of
compassion and individual cases?

We live in the richest country in the world, and it is
sad and very disturbing that our elderly, sick and
poor are treated with such disdain and cast aside by
our City, County, State and Federal Governments as
well as by companies and individuals that can and
should help.

As a former police officer and paramedic dealing with
all classes of society I consistently found, and still
find, that the truly grateful were those that have the
least.  Perhaps it is because they don't expect
anything, while those that have much to be thankful
for seem to believe it is their right or that it is
owed to them.

I sincerely hope that you will find it in your heart
to at least try and locate a legal counsel who will be
willing and able to help Ivan with his situation.

In the mean time I want to extend the following to you
and yours:

The Spirit of the Season -- PEACE
The Gladness of the Season -- HOPE
The Heart of the Season -- LOVE

Remember God said -- "What You Do For The Least Of My
People You Do To Me"

Please help Ivan find counsel.

God Bless,
Byrna D. Hylander  PT/CG JRJO 78/6 (PT/CG=Part Time
CareGiver, 78/6 Age/years afflicted)

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