

I don't believe there is any mysterious conspiracy against Ivan although I
wouldn't swear to it.  I think it's exaactly what I've experienced over the
last 20 years dealing with the law, the courts, lawyers, and public
officials.  You don't bite the hand that feeds you.  If you practice law in
the Portland area then you really don't want to tick off the City fathers,
especially if you want to continue your practice in the same area, and the
area is relatively small.  Who knows who the firm that promised to represent
Ivan has on their client list?  Maybe there was a conflict of interest.  An
explanation would be nice.  Ivan needs to find an attorney from outside the
county in which Portland resides.

Anyone that thinks that voicing your opinion is a risky pursuit in my
opinion is wrong.  I haven't heard any constructive alternatives from even
one of you.  If you're not part of the solution...............


Hilary wrote:

Subject: Re: Law firm abandons me/WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO HIDE?

>> Something scares me.Why would a reputable firm that had agreed to help
>> suddenly withdraw? I do not think they acted fairly, but neither do i
>> their reasons. And i begin to think that my gut-level feeling may not be
>> far off the mark.
>> I'm beginning to think that ivan is not the prime target, but that it is
>> may be revealed if his case goes public that is at stake. In other words
>> think that something is being covered up. That the portland authorities -
>> government, the corporations - whoever it is who actually runs things
>> does not want to be seen to be doing whatever it is they are doing. Maybe
>> been reading too many novels of intrigue, but one could surely make a
case -
>> maybe erroneously - for 'funny business'. In a town of that size - who
are the
>> employers - the city government and the big corporations. So any lawyer,
>> wants to keep his business going , will work for either the one or the
>> In fact, anybody who wants to do anything, needs one or the other or
both. And
>> of course, the same people ( or their close relatives) are represented in
>> groups - big business and city government. What hope does the little man
>> And so i call on the TV stations and their investigative  reporters,
>> those in other New England  States and nearby Canadian provinces, PLEASE,
>> go and see what is happening there. What is it they are trying to hide  -
>> hurting my friend Ivan in the process?
>> hilary blue (50/33/24)