

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses        11:18   deg. F   :-)
    Attorney Peter Evans just spoke with me by telephone.
He is trying to help me obtain legal  representation. The
PIEN e-mails have had a large impact.

  He said that he is the newest of the 6 attorneys at the
Mittel Asen firm.  Unfortunately, the senior attorneys had
held a meeting, and informed him that they cannot let him
spend the time and the commitment of effort necessary for my case.

He explained just now that when my calls came in, the
senior lawyers said that they took up too much time.  Indeed,
as any PWP would know, the conversations were difficult at
times,as medicines can wear off unexpectedly, and cause
difficulties in being heard or understood. Speech can be slow,
soft and labored.  Hands can shake, and pens can become
obstacles instead of writing tools.

  The request I made for help to Temple Beth-El generated a call
to Attorney Howard Reben, who is now in communication both
with me and Mr. Evans.  These  two attorneys are trying to
figure  out who can take my case, and negotiate with the
City of Portalnd lawyers.

I am not sure when a law firm will make the commitment to
help me. I agree that in this small city there are many firms
who are in a position of conflicting interests if they represent
me.  Mr Evans does affirm that I have a very good case against
the City lawyers.

 I feel that both Mr. Evans and I  got caught unexpectedly in
a situation much bigger than either of us. A considerable part
of the problem is the lack of information, education and public
awareness about the lives and battles of younger PWP's.

   Our PWP and CG  roller coaster ride is emotional, rocky,
 and is often not seen or heard. Our empowerment is slowly
coming, and requires courage, VISIBILITY and time.

  In sum,  I feel that Peter Evans is open-minded and is
unquestionably trying to help, and that the PIEN e-mails
have helped.

I hope a lawyer comes forward soon. I am tiring, and
need to resolve my draining struggle with  the
CIty of Portland lawyers.

Ivan Suzman  50/39/36