

hi all

below is a summary listing of medical article citations
which contain references to Parkinson's disease [PD] and
which have been added to the PubMed WWWeb site in the past 30 days at:

entering the PMID number in the search window there
will take you to an abstract [synopsis] of the article
[if one is available on-line]

in any case,
the full articles are accessible directly from the relevant medical journal
maybe on the web [at a cost] or at a good library [at no cost]
or maybe even at your own neurologist's office!

Eeucation + Titration R US


Flunarizine improves the survival of grafted dopaminergic neurons.
PMID: 10613492

Endogenous DA-mediated feedback inhibition of DA neurons: Involvement of
both D(1)- and D(2)-like receptors.
PMID: 10611636

Central adenosine A(2A) receptors: an overview.
PMID: 10611496

Thalamocortical dysrhythmia: A neurological and neuropsychiatric syndrome
characterized by magnetoencephalography.
PMID: 10611366

Pergolide monotherapy for PD.
PMID: 10610397

Mortality from PD and other causes in men who were prisoners of war in the
Far East.
PMID: 10609817

Copper, ceruloplasmin, superoxide dismutase and iron parameters in PD.
PMID: 10608487

Pesticide study aids PD research.
PMID: 10605962

Fetal pig neural cells for PD.
PMID: 10605960

Pramipexole in the treatment of PD.
PMID: 10605552

Management of neurodegenerative disorders.
PMID: 10605544

The adrenergic receptor agonist, clonidine, potentiates the
anti-parkinsonian action of the selective kappa-opioid receptor agonist,
enadoline, in the monoamine-depleted rat.
PMID: 10602339

GDNF triggers a novel ret-independent src kinase family-coupled signaling
via a GPI-linked GDNF receptor alpha1.
PMID: 10601639

Unilateral dopamine denervation blocks corticostriatal LTP.
PMID: 10601483

Striatal fosB Expression Is Causally Linked with l-DOPA-Induced Abnormal
Involuntary Movements and the Associated Upregulation of Striatal
Prodynorphin mRNA in a Rat Model of PD.
PMID: 10600402

Treatment of PD with ropinirole after pergolide-induced retroperitoneal
PMID: 10600093

An overnight switch to ropinirole therapy in patients with PD.
PMID: 10599874

Respiratory chain enzyme activities in spermatozoa from untreated PD
PMID: 10599873

Identification and distribution of Parkin in rat brain.
PMID: 10599851

Botulinum toxin A in patients with oromandibular dystonia: long-term
PMID: 10599789

Evaluation of surgery for PD: a report of the Therapeutics and Technology
Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology.
PMID: 10599758

Comparison of pallidal and subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation for
advanced PD: results of a randomized, blinded pilot study.
PMID: 10598706

Source memory in PD.
PMID: 10597569

Dopamine receptors: physiological understanding to therapeutic intervention
PMID: 10596903

Changes in the spike activity of neurons in the ventrolateral nucleus of
the thalamus in humans during performance of a voluntary movement.
PMID: 10596786

Two novel point mutations of mitochondrial tRNA genes in histologically
confirmed PD.
PMID: 10369889

A rapid method for the evaluation of compounds with mitochondria-protective
PMID: 10595713

The measurement of tremor using a velocity transducer: comparison to
simultaneous recordings using transducers of displacement, acceleration and
muscle activity.
PMID: 10595702

Dopamine D1 or D2 receptor blockade in the globus pallidus produces
akinesia in the rat.
PMID: 10595430

Efficacy of pramipexole, a new dopamine receptor agonist, to relieve the
parkinsonian-like muscle rigidity in rats.
PMID: 10594343

Alpha-synuclein immunoreactive Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites in PD Are
detectable by an advanced silver-staining technique.
PMID: 10541868

Sub-chronic administration of the dopamine D(1) antagonist SKF 83959 in
bilaterally MPTP-treated rhesus monkeys: stable therapeutic effects and
wearing-off dyskinesia.
PMID: 10541734

The alpha-synuclein gene is not a major risk factor in familial PD.
PMID: 10541595

Pathophysiology of secondary depressions in the elderly.
PMID: 10593701

Medical treatment of later-stage motor problems of PD.
PMID: 10593354

Contribution of Neurophysiological Guidance to Stereotactic Posteroventral
Pallidotomy for PD.
PMID: 10592120

Manganese exposure in foundry furnacemen and scrap recycling workers.
PMID: 10592008

Effects of visual feedback on manual tracking and action tremor in PD.
PMID: 10591921

The control of an action in PD.
PMID: 10591901

Spatial memory improvement by levodopa in parkinsonian MPTP-treated monkeys.
PMID: 10591875

Actions of adenosine A2A receptor antagonist KW-6002 on drug-induced
catalepsy and hypokinesia caused by reserpine or MPTP.
PMID: 10591873

Metabolic transformation of deprenyl enantiomers in rats.
PMID: 10591057

Lack of clinical improvement in patients with PD after low and high
frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation.
PMID: 10590961

Therapeutic value of exercise training in PD.
PMID: 10589855

Increased 8-oxo-dGTPase in the mitochondria of substantia nigral neurons in
PMID: 10589547

Functional characterization and expression of thalamic GABA(B) receptors in
a rodent model of PD.
PMID: 10587084

Regional distribution of parkinsonism-preventing endogenous
tetra-hydro-iso-quinoline derivatives and an endogenous
parkinsonism-preventing substance-synthesizing enzyme in monkey brain.
PMID: 10586977

Habitual mandibular dislocation in two patients with PD.
PMID: 10586632

Phase 2 clinical study of 123I-IBF, a dopamine D2 receptor imaging agent,
to evaluate clinical efficacy and safety in PD and Parkinson syndromes.
PMID: 10586546

A prospective comparison between three-dimensional magnetic resonance
imaging and ventriculography for target-coordinate determination in
frame-based functional stereotactic neurosurgery.
PMID: 10584834

Treatment of drooling in PD with botulinum toxin.
PMID: 10584695

Striatal D2 dopamine receptor status in PD: an [18F]dopa and
[11C]raclopride PET study.
PMID: 10584682

Worsening of motor features of parkinsonism with olanzapine.
PMID: 10584679

Worsening of motor performance in patients with PD following transdermal
nicotine administration.
PMID: 10584678

Decreased concentration of annexin V in parkinsonian cerebrospinal fluid:
speculation on the underlying cause.
PMID: 10584677

Visuomotor performance in patients with essential tremor.
PMID: 10584674

Changes in handwriting resulting from bilateral high-frequency stimulation
of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson's disease.
PMID: 10584671

Does deep brain stimulation of the nucleus ventralis intermedius affect
postural control and locomotion in PD?
PMID: 10584670

Unilateral pallidotomy in advanced PD: a retrospective study of 26 patients.
PMID: 10584669

Progression of falls in postmortem-confirmed parkinsonian disorders.
PMID: 10584668

The effect of dopamine agonist therapy on dopamine transporter imaging in PD.
PMID: 10584667

Environmental risk factors in PD.
PMID: 10584666

Excessive daytime sleepiness and sleep benefit in PD: a community-based
PMID: 10584665

Levodopa in the treatment of PD: a consensus meeting.
PMID: 10584663

Mitochondrial myopathies and encephalomyopathies.
PMID: 10583431

Increased expression of rat synuclein in the substantia nigra pars compacta
identified by mRNA differential display in a model of developmental target
PMID: 10582622

Altered glial function causes neuronal death and increases neuronal
susceptibility to 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium- and
6-hydroxydopamine-induced toxicity in astrocytic/ventral mesencephalic
PMID: 10582607

Effect of the alpha 2 adrenoreceptor antagonist, idazoxan, on motor
in MPTP-treated monkey.
PMID: 10581645

Fall events described by people with PD: implications for clinical
interviewing and the research agenda.
PMID: 10581625

Environmental, medical, and family history risk factors for PD: A New
England-based case control study.
PMID: 10581500

Analysis of ERDA1, CTG18.1, and uncloned CAG/CTG repeat sequences in
familial PD with anticipation.
PMID: 10581499

Bilateral subthalamic nucleus stimulation improves frontal cortex function
in PD: An electrophysiological study of the contingent negative variation.
PMID: 10581229

Neuropsychological outcome following unilateral pallidotomy.
PMID: 10581217

Inducible nitric oxide synthase stimulates dopaminergic neurodegeneration
in the MPTP model of PD.
PMID: 10581083

NOS knockouts and neuroprotection.
PMID: 10581072

Expression of MHC class I heavy chain and beta2-microglobulin in rat
brainstem motoneurons and nigral dopaminergic neurons.
PMID: 10580816

Comparison of the effects of dopaminergic and serotonergic activity in the
CNS on the activity of the immune system.
PMID: 10580803

A stereological study on the neuroprotective actions of acute modafinil
treatment on MPTP-induced nigral lesions of the male black mouse.
PMID: 10580713

Auditory brainstem responses in patients with autonomic failure with PD and
multiple system atrophy.
PMID: 10580301

Protein isoaspartyl methyltransferase protects from bax-induced apoptosis.
PMID: 10580153

Changes in the regional and compartmental distribution of FosB- and
JunB-like immunoreactivity induced in the dopamine-denervated rat striatum
by acute or chronic L-dopa treatment.
PMID: 10579213

Embryonal nerve tissue transplantation in the therapy of PD: current issues.
PMID: 10578542

Dopamine D4 receptors: significance for molecular psychiatry at the
PMID: 10578234

Visual hallucinations, white matter lesions and disease severity in PD.
PMID: 10577270

Fetal cells help Parkinson's patients.
PMID: 10577234

More about parkinsonism after taking ecstasy.
PMID: 10577097

More about parkinsonism after taking ecstasy.
PMID: 10577096

More about parkinsonism after taking ecstasy.
PMID: 10577095

The freezing of time as a presenting symptom of PD.
PMID: 10577086

Botulinum toxin is a useful treatment in excessive drooling in saliva.
PMID: 10577041

Internal globus pallidus discharge is nearly suppressed during
levodopa-induced dyskinesias.
PMID: 10553990

Presynaptic and postsynaptic dopaminergic binding densities in the
nigrostriatal and mesocortical systems in early PD: a double-tracer
positron emission tomography study.
PMID: 10553989

A neuropsychological comparison of demented and nondemented patients with PD.
PMID: 10497689

janet marie paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
613 256 8340 PO Box 171 Almonte Ontario Canada K0A 1A0