

Hi Margie and Dick; Trazodone is a mild antidepressant
which because it is relatively sedating, is often
prescribed in low doses as a sleep aid. It is not addicting
and can be dually effective in that you get a good night's
sleep AND feel less depressed. One warning for males: can
cause priapism, which is the direct opposite of the male
dilemma that requires Viagra.     Carole

--- Dick Swindler <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Dick has been taking Klonopin at bedtime as a sleeping
> pill.  It's no longer
> working well for him, so yesterday his neuro prescribed
> Trazodone.  We're
> wondering if anyone else has tried this, or has an
> opinion about it.  He has
> tried Restoril and all of the other more conventional
> sleep aids.
> Margie Swindler, cg for Dick, 55/18

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