

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses       44    deg. F   :-)  partly
The trip to downtown went very well, with the help of a volunteer
from a program of senior citizens, from the Southern
Maine Agency on  Aging.  His driving made all the difference,
as I was much too tired to drive myself.

Mr. Evans was there.

  He is working now to find me a law firm more used to the
Americans With Disabilities Act.  My case  definitely
involves the rights I should have, like any  disabled PWP

  Meanwhile, Mr. Reben is also working to find me a
law firm that can handle my type of case.

   PWP's are definitely a gigantic CLASS of people
who are usually unseen and unheard.  Again, it is
the fundamental commitment to VISIBILITY and
to our PWP COMMUNITY that drives me, and I know
I MUST get the door open for others who will follow me.

  Plus trying to be humble, and thankful to
a Higher Power that I am well enough to do all this,
is right at the top of my agenda.
